What Can Non Profits Expect Under Obama's Leadership? | JustFundraising.com

What Can Non Profits Expect Under Obama’s Leadership?

During the run for election Obama unveiled his position on non profit organizations and philanthropy. He seems genuine about his commitment to help and his track record shows his accomplishments in this area.

Obama: Credentials and Passion for Philanthropy
Most presidential hopefuls come from a back ground of law or government, Obama grew up as an organizer in the Developing Communities Project in the south side of Chicago. Obama’s policy was to improve policies for slums plagued with crime and high unemployment. Obama studied through law school and actually turned up high paying lay firm jobs to head Project Vote. The new project helped to register 150,000 new African American voters in Chicago. If this is not enough to excite you, his wife Michelle is a former non-profit executive director. It’s in his blood and it’s all around.

New Think Tanks and Organizations
Although Obama has not revealed in any great depth, his plans for non profit organizations, the outline is there. Obama will create a new organization within the Corporation for National and Community Service called the Social Entrepreneurship Agency for Nonprofits. This new organization would make grants and new infrastructures to build better systems for managing volunteers, charity accountability and increasing efficiency.

There is more promising news for non profits. While the new Obama administration is ramping up a new group has been created to help come up with a new plan. The group comprised of 30 advisers has appointed 2 charity heads to create an “innovation agenda” for task force creating new thought and change. Some big names have been appointed: Cheryl Dorsey, president of Echoing Green, in New York and Paul Schmitz, president of Public Allies, in Milwaukee, which trains young people for non-profit and public-service careers.

The Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform Policy Working Group is to devise new ways to use technology to expand the economy, recommend ways to modernize government and get people involved in civic duties.

Obama Even Motivates Middle and High School Students
Obama is very focused on getting America to volunteer and get involved in community service. Obama and Biden will set a goal that all middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year, and will establish a new tax credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.

There seems to be something to appeal to every background or age group to get Americans active in community building and Philanthropy.