Transitional Home Teaches Important Living Skills |

Transitional Home Teaches Important Living Skills

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JustFundraising is proud to donate $200 to an amazing cause like Oak House.

“THANK YOU!!!!!!! I can’t begin to express how much donations are appreciated.

Oak House is a transitional training home for adults with mild to moderate disabilities. The program is designed to teach the necessary living skills that will allow residents to become more independent and eventually transition into their own apartment. Oak House residents participate and volunteer in the community, some work in competitive job settings where others are at training sites. We live and function as a family; sharing chores, cooking, supporting and encouraging each other to become self-sufficient.

Oak House also provides two respite beds for the community to utilize. Often times 24 hour care givers need a rest and have no place to turn. Oak House openly accepts their loved ones allowing them time to tend to their needs and participate in activities they otherwise would not be able to.

We are very proud of Oak House and the work being done here. We learn and grow together as a family.”

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