A Few Of The Groups That Started A Fundraiser.

Fundraising For Spring Tour
Ronan Honors choir is fundraising with pretzel rods for our upcoming Spring Tour! We’ll be traveling from our home town of Ronan, MT to Spokane, WA! While in Spokane we will see Jersey Boys the musical, perform at several different venues and play laser tag. Thank you JustFundraising for an already profitable and FUN fundraiser!

Bringing Communities Together Through Dance
The Next Generation Dance Academy is fundraising to become an established 501c3 business, obtain Federal Trademark, and purchase uniforms, accessories, and transportation.
The Dance Academy is for males and females ages 4-21 of all ethnicity. We strive to bring the communities together in UNITY developing the gift of dance allowing the dancers to express themselves non-verbally and impact lives throughout the Nations.
We teach, train, and activate the gift and talents of dance. Teaching about the Art of Dance and how to feel the music and lyrics then having the ability to express through movement. The Next Generation Dance Academy is taught contemporary gospel mime, hip-hop, and liturgical dance with the addition of understanding what dance etiquette is and how to apply it. These dancers are inspired to never stop dreaming.

Fundraising For Little Libraries
The Porter Elementary Community Problem Solving Team, better known as the Literacy Lights, is fundraising to purchase materials for little libraries, and also extra books. The name of their project is Operation Read More.
After doing a survey with students, the team found that students would like to read more than they currently do. They will be placing these libraries in the community, and maintaining them.
The team members are fifth and sixth grade students. One of these libraries will be registered on a national map. Our team is grateful for the fundraising opportunities JustFundraising gives to students everywhere.

Fundraising To Help Cover Dance Season Expenses
We are the dancing divas. The fundraiser is going to be used for competition season for costumes, travel expenses and extra team items. A group of about 40 girls who are all passionate for dance . These girls recently we’re just invited on a Dance cruise for the end of the year . This fundraiser is going to be perfect for starting to cover expenses and we plan on holding more in the future.

Choose To Show Love And Joy
This picture shows some of the youth that are currently attending Next Level Worship Center. These kids all range from different ages but have one thing in common. That is their Love for God and the desire to learn and grow more to not only become stronger Christians but greater humans in life.
In a very small community where the unfortunate reality is most of the population struggles with drug abuse these kids chose to commit themselves to trying to defy the odds that stand against them and become kind, successful and compassionate people whom choose to show Love and joy despite some of their harsh realities.
Next Level Worship Center has just currently opened the doors on September 2, 2019 with hopes to encourage others in our community that with hope that comes from serving Jesus that they too can make a difference.

Raising Funds For Playground
This is our group! We are a DHS licensed childcare facility in winchester tn. We thrive to create a better future for our children. Our motto is building bright futures 1 by 1. We are raising funds to help create more play on our infant and toddler playground and to add STEM into our classrooms.
Also with this fundraiser we are donating 20 percent of our profit to the local brotherhood, each year at christmas they purchase bicycles for all the kids of the community and we want to help with that program so we can give each child in our facility a new bicycle for christmas this year. We are excited to try the cookie dough fundraiser out that we have not ever done.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser To Pay For Entire Field Trip
The V.E.X. and M.E.S.A. students from Monroe elementary, are working really hard to fundraise $3000 for their field trip! As a team we are selling $10 cookie dough, so that all the kids can go without having to worry about paying a dime out of pocket.
These kids have really worked hard, giving up their Saturdays, and afternoons to focus on becoming successful adults in the future.
What is V.E.X.? It is a robotics team that competes against other school to see who can build the best robot!
What is M.E.S.A.? It is a program where you compete, using ur skills in Math, Engineering, Science Achievement!
In order to be accepted into these programs, the students have to maintain good grades, and behavior. They have to be committed to showing up to the events, and stay after school to work on the projects. Mrs. Jennifer Serpa Brewster holds these kids accountable, teaching them responsibility, social skills, team work, critical thinking, and preparing them for a career in engineering!

This is the girls 12u softball team and they are very excited to play.

First Time Attending State Festival
Our drama team is hoping to attend the state festival for our very first time. They have been willing to work hard to do so, but we are just a bit short of our goal. They are so creative and talented and I can’t wait to see the impact this conference will have on them.

Dance and Slay it’s the Diamond Doll Way
We are the Diamond Dolls of San Diego. We love to dance and slay. Our motto is Dance and Slay it’s the Diamond Doll Way.
The team is coached by the best one and only Tiffany Coleman. Tiffany is very dedicated to her girls and strives to better not only on the dance floor but in life. We care about grades and citizenship for the young ladies and how they operate at home.
We love to be out in the community by helping out or just dancing for fun or competitions near by.

Fundraising To Help Cover Travel Fees
Our group is the Killeen Lady Cougars. We are an AAU travel basketball group for middle and high school girls looking to take their talents to the next level.
We are based out of Killeen, Texas, and travel during the summer to different basketball tournaments around the southeast for a chance to play in front of college scouts for our girls to be recruited to play at the college level.
In our 15 years, we’ve been able to send almost 80 girls to play for colleges and universities. Chances they may not have had playing only local high school basketball.
Our fundraiser is to support the travel fees, consisting of tournament fees, hotels, food, etc. As we prepare for our next upcoming season we are trying it get a head start by early fundraising to cut down on last minute expenditures.

Raising Funds For Renovations
We are the Shito-Ryu Karate-do Genbu-kai of Pennsylvania. We recently lost our head instructor of over 40 years, Bill Stoner, after a long battle with cancer this past April. Since then, his students have come together to keep the dojo alive. We recently moved to a new location and are raising money for renovations.

Youth Cheer Team With National Dreams
AZ Dreams Fury Rising Cheer is a youth competition only cheer team! We are in our first season, and accept athletes 5-18years old. We have two teams, our littles: Dream Team, and our senior team:Rage.
These athletes practice 3 days a week and attend one competition a month November through May, provided they qualify and earn a bid to Nationals! Our fundraisers are held to help pay for competition fees, tuition fees, uniforms and equipment/gear! Rage placed 1st at their Regional Qualifier in December 2019, earning a bid to the 2020 Jamz Youth Nationals!
We live in a rural area, and travel a minimum of 90 miles to our local competitions with two others in Vegas!

Raising Funds For Animals At The Humane Society
Our group is called paws-o-tively adorable, and we want to raise money for the animals at the San Antonio Humane Society. Last month we donated a total of $77 to them and we are hoping that our fundraiser will maybe even double this amount. Thanks so much JustFundraising.