There is so much to love about Valentine’s Day! Roses. Heart-shaped cards. Chocolate, candy, candles. But Valentine’s Day has been around long before its commercialization, dating all the way to the end of the 5th century! Valentine’s Day comes with a plethora of fun facts and cool history, and we think it’s a fantastic holiday to pair a school fundraiser with.
To help, we’ve listed 5 fundraising ideas that we love (and tossed in a few quirky Valentine’s Day facts for fun).
Let’s go!
1. Anything Chocolate, Please
Chocolate has been a hallmark of Valentine’s Day since Richard Cadbury invented his “eating chocolates” in 1861. Before that, chocolate was commonly consumed as a warm drink. Once Cadbury invented bite-sized chocolates, the game was forever changed! He packaged the chocolates in heart shaped boxes decorated with rosebuds and cupids, thus
creating one of the most iconic tokens of love and starting a chocolate revolution.
You really can’t go wrong by holding a chocolate fundraiser around Valentine’s Day. Here’s what we suggest:
Candy Bars
We have a big selection of candy bar fundraisers that are great for selling on their own or paired with another product fundraiser, like cards or flowers, to make the perfect little Valentine’s Day gift. Our $1 American’s Variety Bars make school fundraising easy!
Pretzel Rods
Alternatively, you could package 3 or 4 of our delectable pretzel rods in a cute little bundle! Tie them with ribbon and attach a mini card and sell them as Valentine’s Day gifts. Each pretzel rod is only $1 each, and are coated in chocolate, dipped in different candy toppings, and are irresistibly delicious.
2. A School Fundraiser Classic? Candy-Grams!
Candy-grams have long been a popular school fundraiser, and go hand-in-hand with Valentine’s Day and secret crushes. Anything can be gift-o-grammed, but we love candy because it’s affordable and makes a great little Valentine’s Day present.
JustFundraising offers a selection of lollipop fundraisers, including Yummy Hearts and Lips, that would be a fantastic choice for your candy-grams. Whatever selection of candy you choose, bundle it up in cellophane and don’t forget the ribbon and bow! Sell them in advance, and deliver them to their unsuspecting receivers on the 14th.
3. Will You Be My Valentine?
What’s Valentine’s Day without the valentines? Nothing is sweeter than a handmade card. In fact, it’s thought that Americans first began exchanging valentines as far back as the early 1700s. Today, a whopping 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year—second only to Christmas!
With this in mind, why not organize a Valentine’s Day card fundraiser? One idea is to print simple cards and borrow the gift-o-gram concept, where students pay to have a card mailed or delivered to a friend.
Another idea is to make handmade valentine’s which can be scanned, printed, and sold in sets. You could also assemble and sell card-making supply kits! Ask businesses in your area to donate colorful cardstock and basic craft supplies to help offset the cost, and encourage everyone to make and send their own valentines.
4. Big Love: Raffle Baskets
Your Valentine’s Day school fundraiser can be loosely based around Valentine’s Day, without being specifically about it. It can focus on self love and self-care, friendships, loving your community, or different things your school loves.
We think raffle baskets are a fantastic way to expand on the theme of love and raise money! Ask local businesses to donate items for a “community love” basket, or gather self care items for a self love themed basket.
Or, raffle off two tickets for a day at the spa or dinner and a show. There are so many options for a “love-themed” raffle fundraiser!
5. Flowers for Blooming Profits
Roses have been symbolic of Valentine’s Day since the 17th century as a representation of Venus, the goddess of love. Roses on Valentine’s Day are classic, but we think flowers in general go hand-in-hand with February 14th.
You could partner with a local floral shop to sell flowers, or contact a flower farm directly. Sell bouquets or individual flowers in advance, and arrange a pick-up on Valentines Day! Or, if your school is holding a Valentine’s Day dance, you could sell carnations or corsages to students the day of.
Another idea is to run a flower bulb fundraiser, like our Art In Nature program. This fundraiser offers a selection of 30 bulbs that will blossom into gorgeous colorful flowers come spring! Roses are lovely, but a garden full of flowers brings joy every year.